Wednesday, 17 November 2021 | 18:29
Diana Mariska
Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Army General Dudung Abdurachman with wife after inaugurated at the Presidential Palace, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 - President Joko Widodo installed new Army chief of staff Lieutenant General Dudung Abdurachman in the Presidential Palace in Jakarta on Wednesday. He replaces General Andika who now serves as commander of the Indonesian Military (TNI). As regulated in a presidential decree, Abdurachman, is also automatically promoted to a four-star rank or general.

Abdurachman, 55, previously served as commander of the Army Strategic Command (Pangkostrad) and was installed on 25 May 2021, replacing Lt. Gen. Eko Margiyono.

Born on 19 November 1965 in Bandung, he graduated from the Military Academy in 1988. He kicked off his leadership career as commander of Military District Command (Dandim) 0406/Musi Rawas from 2004 to 2006 and Dandim 01418/Palembang between 2006 and 2008.

During his most current services, Abdurachman served as governor of the Military Academy from 2018-2020, and on 27 July 2020, he was installed as chief of Jakarta Military Command.

During this time, Abdurachman became a well-known figure after ordering his unit to take down banners showing support to Islamic Defenders Front (FPI)’s leader Rizieq Shihab in some locations in Jakarta.

He even warned that he would disband FPI if the organization continued to cause ruckus and create crowds during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“FPI should be disbanded if necessary. They can’t make their own rules,” Abdurachman was quoted as saying on 20 November 2020.

The Perfect Choice

Military and intelligence expert Susaningtyas Kertopati said Abdurachman is a good choice to lead the Army. According to her, Abdurachman has the right capabilities to deal with a hybrid war.

“[He] is able to detect threats, be it radicalism or separatism,” Kertopati said on Wednesday as reported by Antara.

As an Army chief of staff, she added, he is also expected to have excellent combat management and military diplomacy skill, as well as understanding on the most current development of defense technology, including cyber.

Lastly, she expected Abdurachmand to be able to communicate and regulate his strategic plans to be in-tune with the vision of the current military commander Gen. Andika Perkasa.

“The Army must be the institution that contributes to resolving radicalism and separatism issues with methods that are not fully militaristic. He must possess intercultural communication and cognitive proficiencies,” Kertopati concluded.