Indonesia Denies Rumours of Meeting Between Finance Minister and CR7
The head of the ministry's Communication and Information Service Bureau had been clarified as follows.
The head of the ministry's Communication and Information Service Bureau had been clarified as follows.
The government has allocated a budget of IDR 71 trillion (approximately USD 4.4 billion) for this program.
"There is still cleaning and finishing. Everything is still in good progress," President Jokowi remarked.
TheIndonesia.id - President Joko Widodo's approval rating or public satisfaction is rising to 72 percent, the highest during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The survey was conducted by Indonesian Political Indicators between November 2 to 6, 2021, to 2,020 respondents.
"The level of public satisfaction with Jokowi has increased sharply from 59 percent in August 2021 to 72 percent in November 2021," said Executive Director of Indonesian Political Indicators Burhanuddin Muhtadi in the press release received by Antara news agency, Jakarta, Sunday, December 5, 2021.
This is the first time during the pandemic through a survey titled 'Presidential Performance, Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery, and the Latest Electoral Map', public satisfaction with Jokowi's performance increased. "Usually, approval ratings for two years in a row, (including) after the 2019 presidential election, always experience a decline," Burhan said.
The 13-point increase is a new breakthrough during the pandemic, said Burhanuddin. Indonesian Political Indicators noted that public satisfaction with the President's performance was due to the economic perception that continued to improve. Another boosting factor is related to the Government's success in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.
"In our records, these two factors, the perception of the economy that continues to improve and the success in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, have made the approval rating for President Jokowi's work increase," said Burhan who took doctoral study at Australian National University.
Burhan added data from Bank of Indonesia Consumer Survey in October 2021 that recorded economic perceptions continue to improve. There is an increase in the consumer confidence index towards national economic conditions. This means that people are increasingly optimistic that the national economic condition will continue to improve as the handling of the pandemic improves.
Burhanuddin assessed that the "gas and brakes" policy that had been implemented by the Government was able to balance the aspects of economic recovery and health.
Applause for Two Women Ministers
The survey also found out two women ministers are the most appreciated member of the cabinet. Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini and Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani applauded as ministers with positive or best appreciation.
"Tri Rismaharini and Sri Mulyani emerged as the best ministers in the public eye," said Burhan.
The two ministers got a percentage of 12.5 percent and 12.3 percent, respectively, spontaneously from 2,020 respondents spread throughout Indonesia. According to Burhan, the two women ministers are considered by the public to have a positive performance. Tri Rismaharini is considered competent to lead the Ministry of Social Affairs.
Meanwhile, Sri Mulyani's name is increasingly being raised regarding the Government's efforts to recover state losses from the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) mega scandal by forming the BLBI Task Force. Sri Mulyani's efforts to continue to hunt for BLBI assets have resulted in public trust.
"Through spontaneous questions, by interviewing 2,020 respondents spread throughout Indonesia, the names Tri Rismaharini and Sri Mulyani received positive appreciation from the community," said Burhanuddin.
After being accumulated, the positive appreciation given by the public to Tri Rismaharini reached 12.5 percent, while Sri Mulyani at 12.3 percent.
"I think this is valuable capital for the two ministers to carry out their duties in the future," he said.