
Vaccination for Children Aged Six to 11 to Start Dec. 24

Diana Mariska
In-person learning activity at SDN Ibu Dewi 2 Cianjur, West Java.
In-person learning activity at SDN Ibu Dewi 2 Cianjur, West Java. - The Indonesian government has announced that COVID-19 vaccine for children aged six to 11 will be rolled out from December 24, with a number of requirements in place.

Based on the Minister of Home Affairs Instruction (Inmendagri) No. 66/2021, regions in Indonesia that have achieved 70 percent of first dose vaccination target and 60 percent of vaccination for its elderlies, may start distributing COVID-19 vaccine to children aged six to 11.

Previously in November, the Drug and Food Control Agency (BPOM) issued emergency use authorization (UEA) for Sinovac vaccine for children aged 6 to 11.

Head of the Agency Penny Lukito said at the time that the decision was considered urgent by authorities and was made to support the in-person learning activities that had already taken place at some schools.

“I believe vaccination for children is very urgent right now,” she said on Monday, November 1, 2021.

Before giving a nod to Sinovac vaccine for the younger age groups, emergency use had also been authorized for children aged 12 and above.  

Tag # education # covid19 # vaccine # vaccination # sinovac # children

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