
Four JI's Fundraisers Detained in Batam

Arfi Bambani
Fully armed police officers stand guard on the road to the house of a terrorist suspect during a search by the National Police's Anti-terror Detachment 88 Team in Batam
Fully armed police officers stand guard on the road to the house of a terrorist suspect during a search by the National Police's Anti-terror Detachment 88 Team in Batam - Four terrorist suspects arrested by the Special Detachment 88 Anti-terror Police in Batam, Riau Islands, are fundraisers of the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) terrorist network. Head of the General Information Section (Kabagpenum) of the National Police Public Relations Division Grand Commissioner Pol. Ahmad Ramadan confirms this.

"The fundraising is through a charity owned by JI's Syam Organizer," said Ahmad Ramadhan as quoted from a written statement received in Jakarta, Saturday, December 19, 2021.

Ahmad explained that each suspect had a different task related to fundraising. They all have ties to Syam Organizer.

The initials of four suspects who were arrested Thursday, December 16, were AG, WF, YU, and MU. From the preliminary examination of YU, Densus 88 Team obtained information that YU handed over an average of around Rp 100 million ($7,142) to Syam Organizer treasury in cash.

Fifty percent of the total money, said Ahmad Ramadhan, was then put in a special safe which would later be given to JI if there was a request. YU is the Chair of Syam Organizer for the 2018-2020 period. YU actively participated in the national work meeting (Rakernas) of Syam Organizer in 2018 and 2019 in Yogyakarta.

Meanwhile, another suspect with the initial AG was also involved in helping finance JI when the terror group was experiencing a period of emergency. AG was Chairman of Syam Organizer in 2021 until the charity was dissolved this year. AG was the coordinator of the Riau Islands Syam Organizer including during the National Working Meeting in Yogyakarta.

The third suspect, WF, is also believed to be involved as a representative of Syam Organizer who handed over Rp80 million ($5,714) to the Treasurer of the Central Syam Organizer, DS. WF served as Secretary of Syam Organizer in 2016, the fundraiser in 2016-2021, and Treasurer of Syam Organizer in 2018-2021. WF had participated in Syam Organizer National Work Meeting in Yogyakarta every year from 2016 to 2019.

The fourth suspect, MU, was arrested because he is the regional coordinator of Syam Organizer of the Riau Archipelago. MU is also an alumnus of the Ngruki Islamic Boarding School in Solo, Central Java, which is believed to have links to JI.

"MU once came at the invitation of AK (JI North Sumatra) to discuss the development of da'wah and recruitment of JU in Riau," said Ahmad Ramadhan.

Tag # terrorist # islam # muslim # ji # jemaah islamiyah

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