
2021, Stock Investors Doubled than Previous Year

Arfi Bambani
A man crossed Composite Stock Price Index screen at IDX
A man crossed Composite Stock Price Index screen at IDX - Trade closing in 2021 was officially announced by Coordinating Minister Airlangga Hartarto. This year, the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) recorded an increase in the number of capital market investors, which reached 7.47 million Single Investor Identification (SID).

As conveyed by IDX President Director Inarno Djajadi, this number means an increase of 92.7 percent more than at the end of 2020. "Investors' achievements from 2016 can be beaten by this year's achievements," said Inarno at the 2021 IDX Trade Closing Ceremony, Thursday, December 30, 2021.

Currently, mutual fund investors are the largest with a total of 6.82 million SID. In addition, the total number of investors of Government Securities (SBN) also increased by 32.68 percent to 610.82 thousand people. Meanwhile, stock investors increased 103 percent to 3.4 million people.

Inarno explained that new capital market investors are dominated by young people and Generation Z. He welcomes this trend and hopes that investors will study the capital market before buying shares.

Inarno is optimistic that the number of investors will increase again in 2023. In addition, IDX also provides support by carrying out various activities to improve public education on the capital market.

"We have conducted education with 1.2 million participants, with 97 percent of these activities being online," he said.

Tag # idx # jakarta stock exchange # investor # trade # investment

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