
Indonesia's Next Election on Valentine's Day 2024

Arfi Bambani
Ministry of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian hearing with parliament discussing general election timetable
Ministry of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian hearing with parliament discussing general election timetable - General Elections Commission (KPU) and Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) have agreed on a schedule for Indonesia's general election (election) on February 14, 2024.

"We propose that it be carried out on February 14, 2024," said KPU Chairman Ilham Saputra in a hearing (RDP) with Commission II of House of Representatives (DPR), Ministry of Home Affairs, and General Elections Observer in Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, January 24, 2022.

Ilham explained that February 14, 2024, would fall on a Wednesday. Wednesday is the day the general election is held in Indonesia.

"February 14, 2024, was also proposed at the first consignment between the government and the DPR," said Ilham.

It was also included in Regulation of the General Election Commission (PKPU) regarding the Stages, Programs, and Schedule for the Implementation of the 2024 General Election Draft.

Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian agreed on the schedule for elections on February 14, 2024. "As for the date, we think the government has agreed on February 14. This will provide room for simultaneous local elections according to Law Number 10 of 2016 which will be held in November 2024," said Tito.

With the election time agreement, Tito hopes it can give space between February and November if there will be two rounds of local elections.

Tag # indonesia general election 2024 # general election # general election commission # indonesian politics

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