
Batang Regency Reforests 80,000 Hectares of Critical Land

Diana Mariska
Damaged forest area in Sungai Pisang, Bungus, Padang, West Sumatra. (Photo: ANTARA/Iggoy el Fitra)
Damaged forest area in Sungai Pisang, Bungus, Padang, West Sumatra. (Photo: ANTARA/Iggoy el Fitra) - Local government of Batang regency in Central Java has started replanting 80,000 hectares of critical land to ensure sufficient supply of clean water.

The environment office at the regency plans to carry out the reforestation gradually to the land in Bawang, Reban, Blado, and Bandar subdistricts.

“Gradually, we’ve started to plant trees in the upper areas, to conserve the water absorption area which is the source of groundwater,” office head Handy Hakim said on Monday, January 31, as reported by Antara.

According to Hakim, reforestation with stands has been done to 30,000 hectares of land, and the remaining 50,000 hectares will be revitalized gradually by employing demonstration plot method.

The establishment of industries and the growing population make the needs for clean water inevitably increases, so reforestation and land revitalization continue to be done to prevent potential scarcity. And even though the local government encourages economic development, it warned industries not to create any environmental damage.

“The rapid development of industries in the lower areas or cities needs to be balanced with reforestation in the upper areas. We totally support investment, but it must take into consideration the conservation of nature,” Hakim explained.

Tag # environment # reforestation # critical land # batang # central java # environment office # forest

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