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German President Visits President Jokowi

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Indonesian Passport Rejected by Germany, a Design Flaw

Arfi Bambani
Making passport process at an Indonesia Immigration office
Making passport process at an Indonesia Immigration office - The Directorate General (DG) of Immigration of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) of the Republic of Indonesia conveyed a clarification of the rejection of Indonesian passports by Germany. This rejection related to the latest design which did not contain a signature column.

"The Directorate General of Immigration conveys an apology that has a direct impact on people who are applying for a German visa or whose visa has been issued, but cannot go to Germany," said Sub-Coordinator of Public Relations of the Directorate General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Achmad Nur Saleh, in a written statement received in Jakarta, Friday, August 13, 2022.

Currently, he said, a team from the Directorate General of Immigration is communicating with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to discuss the issue with the German Embassy in Jakarta. The Directorate General of Immigration will convey the results of decisions and solutions to these problems to the community as soon as possible.

For additional information, the latest Indonesian passport design refers to the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number M.HH-01.GR.01.03.01 of 2019 concerning Technical Specifications for Special Security for Ordinary Passports and Travel Letters Like Passports. The difference with the old Indonesian passport design, including the absence of the passport holder's signature column in the latest passport design.

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