French Aircraft Carrier Docks in West Lombok for Historic Visit
The French naval officers will explore popular tourist destinations like Gili Trawangan Island, and Kuta Mandalika Beach.
The French naval officers will explore popular tourist destinations like Gili Trawangan Island, and Kuta Mandalika Beach.
France has planned to send a technical team to Jakarta to discuss details of the plan.
The Immigration Office of Denpasar, Bali, deported a French male citizen named Rayan Jawad Henri Bitar, 31, who had earlier served a term of punishment for possession of meth and firearms.
the Indonesian Defense Ministry has agreed to buy six Rafale fighters from French Dassault Aviation. Under the contract, Indonesia will purchase a total of 42 Rafale fighters in stages
I would like to convey several messages. First, we agree to increase communication next year when Indonesia becomes the G20 chair and France becomes the European Union president, he said.
This is his first visit to the Southeast Asian region since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.