Again, Police Shoot Police in Indonesia

Again, Police Shoot Police in Indonesia

A police officer at the Way Pengubuan Police Sector, Second Assistant Inspector of Police AK, died in front of his house in Bandar Jaya Barat Village, Terbanggi Besar District, Central Lampung, Lampung Province, Sunday night


Ferdy Sambo Dishonorably Dismissed for Violating Code of Ethics

Aulia Hafisa - The Indonesian National Police's Code of Ethics Commission session decided that Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was proven to have violated the Police's code of ethics, on Friday, August 26. 

Check the video to know more!

Script/ Video Editor: Aulia Hafisa/ Praba Mustika

Tag # ferdy sambo # indonesian national police # brigadier j # brigadier j case # indonesia police # indonesia police case

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