
Covid-19 Task Force to Tighten The Tourist Movement in Tabanan Bali

Arfi Bambani | Aulia Hafisa
Tabanan Bali (Antara)
Tabanan Bali (Antara) - The COVID-19 Task Force will tighten the movement of tourists in Tabanan, Bali. The Secretary of the Tabanan COVID-19 Task Force, Gede Susila, said that he would assert the implementation of strict health protocols in Tabanan.

Although the COVID-19 transmission is slowly decreasing, the community and tourists must follow strict health protocols.

"Three days ago, the spread of COVID-19 cases increased by 10 cases and 17 patients recovered, but since two days ago, there were zero Covid-19 cases," he said in his office to Antara on Wednesday, 17 November 2021.

"The tightening protocols of community in public places and tourists in the tourist attractions have begun to be strictly enforced to anticipate the re-increase of the spread of COVID-19," he added.

According to Gede Susila, tourist attractions in Tabanan are only open for 50 percent of the capacity.

"For tourist attractions, the number of visits for tourists is limited to 50 percent. It is checked through the government's COVID-19 app PeduliLindungi. For example, if you visit Tanah Lot when the capacity is fully 50 percent, you can't enter the place," he said.

In addition to the application, the task force at each tourist attraction in Tabanan must perform the duties properly by urging and reminding visitors via loudspeakers to be disciplined.

"By tightening the health protocols to the tourists and community, we hope to prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 virus," said Gede Susila.

Tag # bali # tabanan # tabanan bali # covid-19 # tourist # health protocols

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