
Ministry Prepares 5 New Shrimp Estate Locations to Push National Production

Diana Mariska
Shrimp pond in Pasangkayu regency, West Sulawesi. (Photo: Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries)
Shrimp pond in Pasangkayu regency, West Sulawesi. (Photo: Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries) - The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries has identified and is currently preparing five new locations for “shrimp estate” as Indonesia aims to reach two million ton of national shrimp production by 2024.

Integrated fish farming is one of the initiatives made by the Ministry to achieve the target, and since 2021 it has identified five potential locations to establish shrimp estate in Sumbawa (West Nusa Tenggara province), Muna (Southeast Sulawesi), East Aceh (Aceh), Kotabaru (South Kalimantan), and South Konawe (Southeast Sulawesi) regencies.

In order to realize the plan, the Ministry has been coordinating with local governments, related ministries and state agencies, as well as state-owned electricity company PLN.

“To ensure all breakthroughs, including the establishment of shrimp estate in appointed locations, can run according to plan, the Ministry is coordinating with local governments as well as educating the locals in the five areas,” director general of aquaculture at the Ministry Tb Haeru Rahayu said in a statement on Friday, February 11.

He emphasized that the Ministry will not be able to achieve the production target without collaboration between central and local governments as well as communities.

According to data from the Ministry, total shrimp pond area in Indonesia is currently at 300,501 ha – consisting of 9,055 ha of intensive ponds, 43,643 ha of semi-intensive ponds, and 247,803 ha of traditional ponds.

And the existing ponds can only produce 856,000 ton of shrimps, so it’s a race against time for the government to increase the production to two million tons by 2024.

Tag # ministry of marine affairs and fisheries # shrimp pond # shrimp estate # fisheries management # fisheries industry # shrimp farming

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