
After Malaysia, Indonesia Works with Taiwan, Saudi Arabia on PMI Protection

Diana Mariska
Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah (Photo: Ministry of Manpower)
Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah (Photo: Ministry of Manpower) - After signing memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the placement and protection of Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) with Malaysia last week, Indonesian Ministry of Manpower is currently working on formulating similar agreement with several destination countries.

Minister Ida Fauziyah said her office has been working to develop bilateral cooperation with countries like Taiwan and Saudi Arabia, where a significant number of PMI are working.

“Currently, Indonesia is developing bilateral cooperation with Brunei Darussalam, Taiwan, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Kuwait, and other countries,” Fauziyah said in a statement on Tuesday, April 5.

She also said agreement on the protection of migrant workers is crucial because it’s mandated by law.

“There will be more MoU with other countries on PMI protection. Based on article 31 of Law No. 18/2017 [on Protection of Migrant Workers], PMI can only be placed in destination countries that have a regulation to protect foreign workers, have bilateral agreement with the Indonesian government, and/or have social security system,” Fauziyah explained.

Furthermore, according to her, the agreement with Malaysia will be the benchmark for future bilateral cooperation with other destination countries.

The agreement regulates the use of one channel system as the only legally recognized mechanism to recruit, place, and employ PMI in Malaysia.

Second, concerning parties, such as agencies and employers, in Malaysia are required to inform PMI about the legal system, rules, regulations, and traditions in Malaysia. Third, employers must follow the applicable laws and regulations in Malaysia.

Fourth, potential employers must meet the requirements to be able employ PMI, and lastly, Indonesia and Malaysia will exchange data on employers, PMI, and agencies in both countries that violate the rule and are blacklisted.

Fauziyah said with the existence of the MoU, PMI who work in domestic sector in Malaysia will be better and more comprehensively protected because it regulates better wage, holidays, social security, and law enforcement.

Tag # indonesia malaysia relations # indonesian migrant workers # ministry of manpower # ida fauziyah # bilateral cooperation

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