Police, Military Involved in National Stunting Prevention, Eradication
Indonesias National Police (Polri) and National Armed Forces (TNI) signed an MOU with BKKBN.
Indonesias National Police (Polri) and National Armed Forces (TNI) signed an MOU with BKKBN.
Barrier at the North tribune of the stadium collapsed during the launching event.
No one was injured in the incident.
TheIndonesia.id - The West Jakarta administration said public fishing ponds will support food security at community level and will also help the national fight against stunting.
Head of West Jakarta’s food security, maritime, and agriculture office Novy Christine Palit said the existence of kolam gizi, or nutrition ponds, in child-friendly public spaces (RPTRA) can support communities in strengthening food security as well as reducing stunting prevalence.
“In protecting food security and reducing stunting, we assist these public spaces in fish farming in kolam gizi,” Palit said on Monday, July 25, as reported by Antara.
She added that the local government is supporting these public fishing ponds in different areas across West Jakarta by providing fish seeds.
“The public spaces can ask for fish seeds, and we will ask related unit to provide them and help with the cultivation,” Palit explained, adding that the harvest will be consumed by members of the community.
Among the child-friendly public spaces in West Jakarta that has a public fishing pond is 5,500-square meter RPTRA Smart in North Meruya.
The fishing pond is managed by local resident Yana and is used for catfish farming; the harvest will then be sold to the area’s residents or customers from outside the area. Afterwards, the profit is used to get other fish seeds.
RPTRA Smart also has hydroponic garden, and Yana said the pond and garden have successfully made contribution to community.
Other public fishing pond is located in RPTRA Kecapi 72 in Jalan Kecapi II, West Jakarta. Similar to the previous pond, this pond also focuses on catfish farming.
One of the pond keepers Reza said the main objective of the pond is not harvest or sales, but as an educational tool for locals who want to learn about cultivation.
“We can educate the people that even in the middle of a big city, we can still farm catfish,” Reza said.
Individuals who manage RPTRA Mahkota in South Meruya also focus on educating the public and visitors about fish farming. Pond keeper Amar said visitors often come with their children to learn about how to successfully farm catfish in limited space.