
Honorary Medal for Health Workers who Died During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Arfi Bambani
President Joko Widodo bestowed honorary signs of Bintang Mahaputera Pratama, Bintang Budaya Parama Dharma, and Bintang Jasa to 127 figures during the award ceremony at the State Palace, Jakarta, on Friday, August 12, 2022.
President Joko Widodo bestowed honorary signs of Bintang Mahaputera Pratama, Bintang Budaya Parama Dharma, and Bintang Jasa to 127 figures during the award ceremony at the State Palace, Jakarta, on Friday, August 12, 2022. - The family representative of the late Dewi Wikantini, the midwife who received the Honorary Medal from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), hopes that the government will always provide maximum protection to health workers who are at the forefront of overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic. The late Dewi Wikantini was the recipient of the Nararya Service Star Award for her services as a midwife who died on duty during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trisna, a representative of Dewi Wikantini's family, said that the late Dewi was very enthusiastic about carrying out her duties as a midwife even though she had to face the risk of infection. "She was very enthusiastic in completing her duties as part of the Depok City COVID Task Force in the past month before she died, carrying out various activities related to preventing and dealing with COVID-19," Trisna said as reported by Antara. 

She expressed gratitude for the government's attention and appreciation for the COVID-19 fighters. She hopes that health workers can get maximum protection in their duties to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I see that my friends from the health workers who are at the Community Health Clinic, who are often called the front guard fighters, hoping to get maximum protection, which means that every time they work in the field, they are prepared for protection, so they don't get caught," Trisna said. 

Meanwhile, Titi Surtinastiti, the daughter of Ajip Rosidi, a writer awarded the Mahaputera Pratama Star, hopes that the honor received can encourage her to continue her father's dreams. "With this legacy from my father, which is great work, we can carry it out well," said Titi. 

President Joko Widodo bestowed honorary signs of Bintang Mahaputera Pratama, Bintang Budaya Parama Dharma, and Bintang Jasa to 127 figures during the award ceremony at the State Palace, Jakarta, on Friday, August 12, 2022. The award ceremony was held at the State Palace, here on Friday, and attended by several recipients, who also represented hundreds of other recipients.

 Those present included a few recipients and heirs of other recipients, who had passed away. The awarding of the honorary medal was based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 64, 65, 66 TK of 2022 concerning the Awarding of Honorary Medals of Mahaputera Pratama Star, Jasa Pratama Star, Jasa Nararya Star, and Budaya Parama Dharma Star.

 Recipients of the medal awards comprised:

 1 . The late Ajip Rosidi, a writer, who was awarded the Mahaputera Pratama Star.

 2. Ida Bagus Purwalaksana, a retired lieutenant general of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI), Inspector General of the Ministry of Defense, for the 2019-2022 period, was awarded the Bintang Jasa Utama.

 3. The late professor Mundardjito, an archaeologist, was awarded the Parama Dharma Cultural Star.

 4. The late doctor Carolina Sihombing, a specialist at Depok Hospital, was awarded the Jasa Pratama Star.

 5. The late Hadi Sunjaya, head of the Sukatani Community Health Center, Health Office, Bekasi District, was awarded the Jasa Pratama Star.

 6. The late Gugum Gumbira, a Sundanese traditional artist, received the Jasa Nararya Star.

 7. The late Dewi Wikantini, a supervisory midwife at Bakti Jaya Health Center, Depok, received the Jasa Nararya Star.

 Some 98 other recipients of Jasa Pratama Star were represented in the ceremony, while as many as 22 others of Jasa Nararya Star were represented at the ceremony.

 Indonesia celebrates its Independence Day on August 17. 

Tag # covid-19 # honorary medals for health workers # ajip rosidi # covid-19 pandemic

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