
Ogoh-ogoh Parade in Jembrana Is Canceled Due To Covid-19 Spike

Aulia Hafisa - The parade that the Balinese have been waiting for is unfortunately canceled. 

After two years of celebrating Nyepi or Silence Day without an Ogoh-ogoh parade, this year Balinase should bear the same condition.

Bali's Ogoh-ogoh is the most exciting event among the series of Nyepi Ceremony. 

Check the video to know more!

Script/ Video Editor: Aulia Hafisa/ Praba Mustika

Tag # ogoh-ogoh # ogoh ogoh # balinese ogoh-ogoh # ogoh ogoh parade # hari raya nyepi # nyepi day # silence day # balinese silence day # video # video theindonesia # bali # explore indonesia

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