Two Hectares of Cannabis Farm in Aceh Destroyed by Authorities
The farm was found on Saturday.
The farm was found on Saturday.
The Denpasar Police confiscated nearly 400 grams of liquid cannabis from a US nationality who was arrested in the Kuta area, Badung, Bali.
The operation took place on Thursday, July 21.
TheIndonesia.id - Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin said his ministry will prepare regulations related to research permits on cannabis in Indonesia. This follows Constitutional Court decision not to granted legality of medical cannabis in Indonesia.
"We want to prepare a permit to conduct research on not to use cannabis in Indonesia," the minister stated during his visit to several schools in Bogor District, West Java, Thursday, July 21, 2022.
He noted that the permit for cannabis research aims to provide medical evidence, so as to furnish information on whether cannabis could be used for medical reasons.
"The ministry wanted to use cannabis as research. In the health sector, it must be scientifically based," he stated.
Sadikin remarked that currently, one narcotic -- morphine -- can be used for medical needs.
"There are many narcotics for medical purposes, such as morphine, used for sick, or injured people. It is mostly being used in disasters and war. However, it has been measured and sold under prescription," the minister explained.
Earlier, the Constitutional Court rejected the application for a judicial review of Law Number 35 of 2009 on Narcotics (Narcotics Law) submitted by several mothers of patients, with brain function disorders (cerebral palsy) and non-governmental organizations.
"We reject the petitioners in their entirety," Constitutional Court Justice Anwar Usman stated when he read out the verdict on Case 106/PUU-XVIII/2020.
Meanwhile, Constitutional Justice Daniel Yusmic P. Foekh highlighted the need for readiness of the legal structure and culture of the community as well as facilities and infrastructure regarding the use of class I narcotics for health services or treatment in Indonesia.
Foekh said this readiness was paramount to anticipating the consequences of using class I narcotics for health services or treatment in Indonesia, considering that they could cause very high dependence and have a detrimental effect if misused without control and supervision.
Constitutional Justice Suhartoyo stated that the court urged the government to immediately conduct scientific studies and research on Class I narcotics for the benefit of health services or treatment, with results that can be used to determine policies.
He noted that studies and research on the use of Category I narcotics for the benefit of health services or therapy can be conducted by the government or the private sector after obtaining permission from the health minister.