
Borneopedia, 'Another Door to Indonesia' is Launched

Arfi Bambani
Deputy Minister of Environment Alue Dohong attended Borneopedia launch in Bali
Deputy Minister of Environment Alue Dohong attended Borneopedia launch in Bali - Deputy Minister of Environment and Forestry Alue Dohong supports the launch of the social interaction application "Borneopedia". This media startup is claimed to be a better way to introduce the potential of Kalimantan to the wider public.

"I support the launch of the 'Borneopedia' application in Bali. Because the 'Island of the Gods' is the gateway for world tourism for Indonesia, so the impact will also reach Kalimantan," said Dohong at the application launch event in Kuta, Thursday, December 3, 2021.

Alue Dohong, who is also a community leader in Kalimantan, said "Borneopedia" is an application that emphasizes special conversations about Kalimantan. All native people of Kalimantan or who were born, raised, and live in Kalimantan or have an interest in Kalimantan, can take full advantage of this application.

"Including people throughout Indonesia can participate in this new application. Because this application emphasizes all aspects and potentials of Kalimantan. That's why 'Borneopedia' is for Indonesia," he said.

Moreover, the capital of the Republic of Indonesia is planned to move from Jakarta to North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan (Kaltim). So Borneo will become a host for a world city.

He said that Kalimantan not only has five provinces but also hosts countries like Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia. The local indigenous tribe, the Dayak, has cultural ties to the Dayaks in Sarawak and Sabah, both in Malaysia.

"Kalimantan has not only nature and culture but also bright economic potential," said Dohong.

CEO of "Borneopedia" Pepih Nugraha said "Borneopedia" is a social application that can be an entrance to the Republic of Indonesia. It is following President Joko Widodo's mandate to build Indonesia from the periphery.

"Borneopedia is an application created by Indonesian children from Borneo for Indonesia," said Pepih who was a co-founder of Kompasiana, the largest user-generated content platform in Indonesia.

He explained that Borneopedia users can write anything, especially related to Kalimantan and Indonesia, in the form of information and opinion including photos or pictures on Neoblog feature.

Every post will be seen by other Borneopedia users, especially among members who have followed each other. It is possible to connect positively to each other in establishing brotherhood and friendship for the future of Indonesia.

In this application, said Pepih, there is also a Question/Answer feature about Kalimantan and Indonesia. Users of the "Borneopedia'" application who need information related to Kalimantan in particular and Indonesia in general, can write a question in this feature.

He said the application "Borneopedia" provides experts, public figures, and other experts who are ready to answer any questions about Kalimantan and Indonesia.
Pepih said "Borneopedia" also provides an opportunity for every user to participate in answering questions raised by other users.

He said from users and for users, including "NeoData Borneopedia" which provides complete information about profiles or figures of figures, organizations, institutions, companies, universities, and even places (cities/districts, islands, and others) in Kalimantan.

"We present it in a unique way that will only be found on 'Borneopedia' and its affiliated media. If you need complete information about figures and or profiles about Kalimantan, 'Borneopedia' provides everything, " he said.

The host of Bali's event, Nyoman Gede Sweta, welcomed the launch of "Borneopedia" on "Island of the Gods" so that it will have an impact on the development of Kalimantan in the future.

Nyoman Sweta expressed his gratitude because Bali has benefited from this activity, namely to stimulate tourism and support the central government to hold activities on the "Island of the Gods".

The initial launch of "Borneopedia" was attended by the Regent of Badung Nyoman Giri Prasta, the Mayor of Denpasar IGN Jaya Negara and the Regent of Tabanan I Komang Gede Sanjaya.

Tag # borneopedia # startup # borneo # kalimantan # indonesia new capital # digital

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