
What Are Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Colors?

Aulia Hafisa
Primary color illustration (Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels)
Primary color illustration (Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels) - In everyday life, you will find many colors such as blue, green, yellow to red. The presence of color can express works of art, feelings, attention, and others. Thanks to color, humans can appreciate themselves.

Color is divided into three types, primary, secondary, and tertiary. Here are the colors categorized as primary, secondary, and tertiary colors

What Are Primary Colors?

In the book Home Interior Color Creation Ideas Designs by Dmaximus, primary colors are the basic colors of the color circle. In other words, primary colors are the original colors for the creation of other colors.

Basically, all the colors around you are derived from the three basic primary colors They are red (like blood), blue (like the sky or sea), and yellow (like egg yolk). Because primary colors are basic colors, they cannot be made by mixing other colors, but primary colors can be combined to produce other colors.

When two primary colors are mixed, they produce another color which is known as a secondary color. Well, if two secondary colors or primary and secondary colors are mixed, it will produce a tertiary color.

Examples of Primary Color Combinations

Colors illustration (Kindel Media/Pexels)
Colors illustration (Kindel Media/Pexels)

As explained earlier, the combination of primary colors will produce new colors called secondary colors. So what are they? Check it out in full below.

  • Mixing the primary colors yellow and red will produce orange (secondary)
  • Mixing the primary colors red and blue will produce purple (secondary)
  • Mixing the primary colors blue and yellow produces green (secondary)

Not only the combination of two primary colors but by mixing primary and secondary colors can produce tertiary colors. Then what is an example of a color combination? 

  • Mixing the primary color yellow with the secondary color green will produce yellow-green (tertiary)
  • Mixing the primary color blue with the secondary color purple will produce blue purple (tertiary)
  • Mixing the primary color blue with the secondary color green will produce Tosca green (tertiary)

Tag # primary colors # colors # secondary colors # what are primary colors # tertiary colors # color

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