
Pilgrimage to Pekanbaru City Founder's Tomb

Arfi Bambani
Visiting founder of Pekanbaru city cemetery
Visiting founder of Pekanbaru city cemetery - Riau Regional Police Chief Inspector General of Police Muhammad Iqbal accompanied by several officials and the Pekanbaru City Police Chief made a pilgrimage at the Tomb of Sultan Muhammad Ali Abdul Jalil Muazzam Syah or Marhum Pekan who was the founder of Pekanbaru City, Sunday, January 2, 2022.

The location of the Marhum Pekan grave complex is adjacent to the Great Mosque of Nur Alam on Jalan Senapelan, Kampung Bandar Village, Senapelan, Pekanbaru City. This is the burial complex of the founder of Pekanbaru City with his family and close relatives.

Those buried in this area are from the Siak Sri Indrapura royal family who ruled in Pekanbaru in the 18th century. The pilgrimage was carried out by the Riau Police Chief as a form of respect and appreciation for the services of the deceased. It is also a recognition of the history of the founders who had contributed to the establishment of the capital city of Riau Province which has grown rapidly to date.

M Iqbal said the goal is to pray for the deceased who have contributed and continue to stay in touch to get blessings from the Almighty. "Thank you very much for caring for me. My intention for a pilgrimage of course to pray for the deceased who have contributed and spread the religion of Islam, especially in Pekanbaru City and Riau province in general. With friendship, God willing, we will get the blessings of Allah SWT," said Iqbal.

In 2000, M Iqbal served in Pekanbaru City as Head of the Traffic Unit at the Pekanbaru City Police. "In 2005, I was getting an education, my second son was born in Pekanbaru with the name Muhammad Sultan. Allah brought me here maybe because of the prayers of our parents," he continued.

Tag # pekanbaru # riau # tourism # malay # islam

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