
Why You Should Hike Mount Rinjani Once in a Lifetime: Experienced Climber

Arfi Bambani
Segara Anak Lake on Mount Rinjani viewed from Plawangan, Sembalun, West Nusa Tenggara
Segara Anak Lake on Mount Rinjani viewed from Plawangan, Sembalun, West Nusa Tenggara - The climber who managed to break the record for the "Green Tourism Climbing Expedition of 35 mountains in Indonesia", Azam Rafiullan, stated that Mount Rinjani in West Nusa Tenggara has the most complete landscape from savanna, forest to lakes.

"Mount Rinjani is the most complete tourist destination because it has a lot of natural scenery such as savanna, fog, waterfalls, lakes, and hot springs," said Azam Rafiullan, a student from Jakarta in Mataram, Tuesday, January 4, 2021.

On Monday, he was present at the "Casual Chat" event with the West Nusa Tenggara Bureau of ANTARA News Agency on Mount Rinjani topic. He said Mount Tambora and Mount Rinjani that both are in West Nusa Tenggara impressed him the most, compares to dozens of mountains he had climbed.

He called Mount Rinjani the most suitable candidate for green tourism mountain in the future. "The most complete mountain to be used as the face of 'green tourism' in Indonesia," said the resident of Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta.

Mount Rinjani is also supported by comprehensive infrastructure, close to the city center, and adequate facilities in the Sembalun area at the foot of the mountain. He hopes the government can manage the Mount Rinjani area well so that it becomes a green tourism center in Indonesia.

"If possible, the government can make the mover of 'green tourism' for Indonesia, because access to Mount Rinjani is also good," he said.

Mount Rinjani, he said, is a stake for the people of Lombok which has economic potential. Mount Rinjani tourism should be an international tourist destination.

"Moreover, Mount Rinjani is close to Bali and with the Mandalika Circuit, it will be able to attract foreign tourists," he said.

But, he warns. "Climbing does not only require physical preparation but requires mental readiness and good intention," added Azam Rafiullan.

Azam Rafiullan has climbed 35 mountains in Indonesia for four months from July to December 2021, namely Mount Latimojong, Sesean, Lakawan, Bulusaraung, Lompobattang, Kerinci, Mount Tujuh, Talang, Marapi, Gede, Pangrango, Manglayang, Geulis, Cikuray, Slamet, Prau , Sindoro, Sumbing, Andong, Telemoyo, Ungaran, Lawu, Wilis, Arjuno, Welirang, Penanggungan, Batur, Abang, Adeng, Catur, Rinjani, Tambora, Kelimutu, Volcano Iya, and Papandayan.

Tag # rinjani # west nusa tenggara # green tourism # tourism

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