
When Is Earth Hour? History and How You Can Contribute

Aulia Hafisa
Earth Hour illustration (Porapak Apichodilok/Pexels)
Earth Hour illustration (Porapak Apichodilok/Pexels) - Earth Hour is a movement celebrated every year to call out action for environmental and climate change. More than 190 countries have joined this movement to raise awareness for a better planet. 

Quoting, this global movement invites individuals, communities, business practitioners, and governments around the world to contribute to climate mitigation efforts. 

Later, when Earth Hour is commemorated, people will symbolically take action to turn off lights and electronic equipment for an hour or 60 minutes. Earth Hour will be commemorated on Saturday, March 25, 2023. 

The History of Earth Hour

Earth Hour is celebrated every March. Quoting the official Earth Hour website, the second to last weekend in March is the spring and autumn equinoxes (the sun is right on the equator) in the northern and southern hemispheres. 

Earth illustration (Pixabay/Pexels)
Earth illustration (Pixabay/Pexels)

This momentum allows the sun to set at almost the same time, so it looks very beautiful as the lights go out simultaneously. So far, Earth Hour has had a significant impact on environmental sustainability. 

Among other things, the movement influenced 250,000 people in Russia to support the protection of the sea and forests. In Argentina, the 2013 Earth Hour campaign succeeded in supporting a bill related to 3.4 million hectares for marine protected areas. 

In Paraguay, WWF is building public support for extending a logging moratorium to help reduce deforestation. 

If roughly calculated, nature has given life to every human being with a value of no less than US$ 125 trillion per year. Earth Hour aims to raise awareness of conserving nature and tackling the climate crisis together. 

Now, the Earth Hour movement is routinely carried out on the last Saturday of March every year. No less than 190 countries and millions of people participated.

Tag # earth hour # when is earth hour # what is earth hour # earth hour movement # march # earth hour march

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