Yogyakarta to Install 1,000 Free Public Wifi Points

Yogyakarta to Install 1,000 Free Public Wifi Points

The public wifi service is placed in a location that is considered strategic by the community and can be easily accessed by residents in need, one of which is at a community meeting place such as the Community Hall.


The Newest Cultural Attraction in Yogyakarta, Bregada Rakyat

Arfi Bambani | Aulia Hafisa
Bregada Rakyat (Doc: The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy)
Bregada Rakyat (Doc: The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy) - Yogyakarta, a city in Indonesia, is widely known for its cultural tourism attractions. You can witness some cultural attractions when you visit a spot like Malioboro street.

Located in the heart of the city, Malioboro is the main street packed with shops selling curiosities and street vendors offering souvenirs at affordable prices. Back in the days, Malioboro was a ceremonial avenue for the Sultan to pass through on his way to and from the Keraton (the Palace).

Recently, Malioboro offered a new attraction called Bregada Rakyat.

It is officially launched on Tuesday, 11 November 2021, by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno. The minister appreciated the launch of the new tourist attraction.

The launching of Bregada Rakyat in Malioboro ( Djokdja)
The launching of Bregada Rakyat in Malioboro ( Djokdja)

So what exactly is Bregada Rakyat?

Bregada was a troop of soldierlike during the heyday of the Mataram Kingdom in Yogyakarta. They were the defenders of the kingdom. However, in the modern-day, Bregada is no longer functions as it used to be.

Bregada becomes a cultural and ceremonial troop in Keraton (palace) Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. To preserve its existence, people create their communities of Bregada Rakyat or people's Bregada.

The head of the Yogyakarta Tourism Office, Singgih Raharjo, said that the community formed the People's Brigade because they adore this troop.

They dress like Bregada's costume. Bregada Rakyat spreads around Yogyakarta and has become an icon for tourist attractions. Nowadays, there are hundreds of Bregada Rakyat's communities all over Yogyakarta.

Bregada Rakyat (Doc: The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy)
Bregada Rakyat (Doc: The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy)

Deputy for Tourism Products and Event Organizers, Rizki Handayani, explained that Malioboro's Bragada Rakyat is developed and packaged to become an extraordinary tourist attraction.

"Bregada Rakyat Malioboro, which is a local government program, has significant potential in the tourism sector, especially during the pandemic. As a tourist icon, the Bregada Rakyat attraction can be interpreted as a guard in the community, maintaining tourist health protocols and preserving culture to foster a sense of belonging," said Rizki Handayani.

During the pandemic of Covid-19, Bregada Rakyat is part of the tourism attraction and plays a role in guarding the health protocol in the Malioboro area.

The Yogyakarta Kingdom is very supportive of this program. They hope this cultural attraction can bring benefits to the communities.

"I hope that this art, a noble culture, can be preserved and find a more appropriate place as an attraction that boosts the economy and inspires other regions," said Prince Notonegoro, the spouse of Princess Hayu, the daughter of Sultan of Yogyakarta.

Tag # yogyakarta # malioboro street # malioboro # bregada rakyat # tourist attraction # keraton

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